Launched in early 2016, Sparta Nutrition burst on the supplement scene by delivering some of the most popular workout products on the market. Designed for “people who want to seize their glory and achieve unparalleled results,” the company saw exponential growth in their marketplace.
The Challenge:
Muscling Into Your Cart
Getting your product stocked at GNC stores is a massive lift, but Sparta Nutrition wasn’t satisfied with simply seeing their products on the shelves —or online— side by side with the industry giants. They wanted to stand out. In a market crowded with loyal customers, this was a heavy task. Ultimately, they needed to match a successful product with an unforgettable visual brand in order to generate customer attention.
The Solution:
Going Outside the (Cereal) Box
As we began our research and started our discovery process with Sparta Nutrition, we quickly realized that their product had an established market, strong reviews, and lasting consumer appeal. And while some workout supplement companies had experimented unsuccessfully with flavors, Sparta had created truly unique flavor combinations that worked. Instead of the usual vanilla and chocolate protein products, Sparta was creating appealing options based around popular cereal flavors. That led us to immediately take design inspiration from the bright and colorful products found on grocery store shelves.
We immediately took design inspiration from the bright and colorful products found on grocery store shelves.
Playful Yet Strong
Despite being playful, our design concepts always kept the consumer in our sights. We wanted to expand beyond the traditional demographic that shops for workout products while keeping return customers happy.
We struck a healthy balance with Sparta’s website. Our goal was to help the site catch consumer attention without losing the credibility and sophistication of their product line.
To achieve this balance, we chose graphics that were more playful and lighter than the industry standard while still offering an element of strength, which was critical for the buying public. So, while the site was bright, eye-catching, and used lots of color and pastels—not your typical protein powder look—the content still appealed to the workout crowd.