Listen To: 3 Stories About Handling Too Much Information

TMI: it’s the web’s shorthand for “too much information”—details we didn’t really need to know, stories that didn’t need to shared publicly, squirm-in-your-seat comments that were probably best left unsaid. But it’s also the current state of the Internet itself: simply too much information, served up too quickly to absorb. This week, we’re looking at three podcasts that explore this flood of digital information in which we live and ways to break through it with strong and clear communication techniques.

Podcast: Note to Self
Episode: A Neuroscientist’s Guide to Getting Organized
In this episode, the always-inquisitive Note to Self host Manoush Zomorodi interviews a neuroscientist to better understand the way our brain processes the constant stream of information flowing to us from all corners of our lives, particularly our increasingly digital workflow. It turns out there are, in fact, ways to manage information “overload”, but they are surprisingly analog: for example, write it all down. Our own Mike Lichter weighed in making information clear and easy to digest in an information-heavy world on our own podcast.

Podcast: UXPod
Episode: Explain yourself!
UXPod focuses on user experience (UX) design, which helps shape the way we interact with products, services and websites across our world. But that doesn’t mean that user experience designers themselves are always experts at organizing and structuring information in their own lives. UX designer Tom Greever talks about the importance of communication when it comes to UX design, particularly when explaining the decision-making process to clients. Good UX should make interfaces and information simpler and easier to access, and so the rationale behind UX decisions should be easy to understand, too, Greever says.

Podcast: The 5 AM Miracle
Episode: Equilibrium Zero: Cut The Clutter in Every Area of Life
Executive coach Jeff Sanders shares his “zero inbox” theory—stemming the tide of overwhelming amounts of emailed information—that he applies to nearly all aspects of his life. Among his strategies to achieve clarity and discipline is focusing on breaking habits and routines, both in his personal and professional life. What happens when a well-intentioned system actually impedes progress? Beginning with his email account and encompassing everything from the layout of his desk to the time he wakes up in the morning, Sanders espouses a minimalist approach focusing on evaluating what’s working and changing processes when they become less effective—a strategy any organization could put into place to achieve a clearer and more functional workplace.

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