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Customer Acquisition
Is Adversity the Business Model of the Future?
Traditionally, American culture has aspired towards the finer things in life, leisure time and luxury goods among them. But increasingly, basking in luxury is no longer top priority for a growing class of consumers. These happiness hunters are looking away from consumer goods and towards a less quantifiable asset: a sense of accomplishment from overcoming […]
Innovation is Building a Business Around the Customers No One Wants
Business people in technology hear the term constantly… but what is disruptive innovation really? It’s easy to glorify the term innovation, and the term “disrupt” has clearly become a buzzword. But at the heart of the matter is some really great scientific theory that can help new companies and existing companies alike to capture market share […]
Framing things in the language of your prospects
Isn’t it nice when someone in another time zone does the conversion for you? How about when someone gets you a really thoughtful gift? In both situations another person is empathizing with your situation. Despite being done infrequently, this is ALWAYS received well. Brands are even worse than we are as individuals at empathizing with others because […]
Shifting Resources from Sales to Marketing (Gradually)
I constantly see this situation with our potential customers. They have a successful sales organization, their business comes from referrals, and they fear that if they take their eye off the ball for one moment, the whole thing will come crashing down. It’s a valid fear—one I empathize with deeply. At a certain point it […]
Cold outreach: Lessons Learned on the New York City Subway
I was on my way to lunch, sitting on New York City’s midtown 6 train. An oddly-dressed woman with a funny hat and a large backpack motioned for me to take my headphones off. Oh great, another one from the loony bin– pretend you don’t see her. She gave me a face that said, “you’re […]
B2B is Ready for Digital
It’s taken a long time, but B2B is finally ready to embrace digital. No longer do clients accept B2B brands “walking in with their shirts untucked”— a sloppy disarray of Power Points made by individual sales reps, a website that spouts company features, and an array of brochures designed by various moonlighting college students. The […]
Aligning Your CRM to the Buyer’s Process
Most CRM systems are structured from the seller’s perspective. They include milestones like “first meeting” or “proposal delivered.” While those are useful metrics for management to forecast pipeline revenue, they’re not particularly useful metrics for your sales reps, or more importantly for your customers. Here’s an example of where critical information slips through the cracks: […]
The Ideal Way to Set Up a CRM
There are multiple stakeholders who need to get value from your CRM system. First, management needs visibility into the sales pipeline. Next, sales teams need to know how close their buyer is to making a purchase, and what they can do to get prospects to the finish line. Third, marketing needs a way to understand […]
Did I Purchase a CRM or a Sales Methodology?
People talk about “getting on a new CRM” to solve the problem of disorganized or dysfunctional sales efforts. There is a common lack of awareness that when you’re buying a Customer Relationship Management tool, you’re usually not buying a sales process or methodology along with it. I would argue that’s the primary reason CRM implementations […]
If Your Business Comes from Referrals, You’re Probably Doing Something Wrong
You’ve got happy clients who refer you to friends, family and business connections. You’ve got a business network of contacts that are actively connecting you to potential clients. If this sounds like you, then you’re probably doing a lot wrong. Referrals are a powerful way to grow a business. But if you lack a formal […]