Prospective clients probably trust that you have solved a few problems — maybe even a few within their industry. They’ve seen your relevant case studies accompanied by a few well-known company logos and testimonials from clients that are happy to vouch for your abilities. But prospective clients want more: they want to know that you can solve their unique problem. So how can you convince them to choose you as their partner before you do the work?
One method is to have a rock-solid process that effectively communicates how you’ll take buyers from A to Z. Start with a few “Best Practice” bullet points to quickly ground prospective clients in industry standards. Then move into the specifics of your process: show buyers what happens at kickoff; tell them what you anticipate needing from them in terms of materials, assets, or feedback; let them know how often you do in-person meetings; etc. Spelling everything out for prospective buyers and answering the questions they haven’t thought to ask is crucial if you’re not competing on price. And how you communicate your process is as important as what you communicate; below are four tips.
1. Break your process into 3 to 5 big steps. This will help anchor your presentation, so the buyer doesn’t get lost when you dive a little deeper into details.
2. Create a simple graphic. Whenever you can replace copy with smart visuals, do it.
3. Avoid industry jargon. There’s always a temptation to prove one’s expertise by using technical terminology or industry jargon. Don’t do it. It will confuse more than it will illuminate, and you also run the risk of looking like you’re purposefully obfuscating.
4. As you talk about how you work, don’t forget to talk about why you do what you do. To fully embrace your process, buyers need to understand its benefits.
The ultimate goal of illustrating your process is not simply to prove that you’re competent and capable; it’s to help buyers visualize themselves easily fitting into your model.