Tag: Anecdote

3 New Ideas on Brands for 2016

3 New Ideas on Brands for 2016

As 2016 dawns, it’s a good time to revisit the perennial head scratcher of the marketing world: brands. Are they overrated, over-thought examples of tepid consensus thinking? Or are they essential, pick-poorly-at-your-peril keys to marketing success? We’ve reviewed some recent thinking on brands (and the pursuit of the perfect brand) for insights into the age-old […]
3 Ideas about the Future of Blogging

3 Ideas about the Future of Blogging

For decades, blogs were the Internet’s currency—if you had one, you could command an audience, if you didn’t, gathering a digital following was much harder. Bloggers like Andrew Sullivan, Seth Godin, and the personalities behind Boing Boing used their digital platforms to launch online empires that engaged millions. But with the growth of social media […]