I’ve been noticing something lately, in parking lots, gas stations and airports across New York: electric car charging stations. Not long ago, these futuristic-looking energy sources would have been limited to a few home driveways and the occasional urban parking garage. Now, they are busier than ever, actually being used daily by real drivers. And […]
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Marketing Strategy
Resources to Create a Digital Marketing Org Chart for 2016
Download our customizable org chart template here. Organizational Structure We’ve seen a number of recommendations on different org structures, but Hubspot’s is definitely the best. There are 7 fresh approaches to the marketing org chart in today’s fully digital world, and the best part is each one is based on interviews with real Chief Marketing […]
When I think of the word Marketing it often reminds me of the sea. The three most important letters of the word are unassumingly tacked onto the end: ING. When many people speak (and I would assume, think) about marketing, they speak like it happens at a moment in time. It is viewed as something […]
Innovation is Building a Business Around the Customers No One Wants
Business people in technology hear the term constantly… but what is disruptive innovation really? It’s easy to glorify the term innovation, and the term “disrupt” has clearly become a buzzword. But at the heart of the matter is some really great scientific theory that can help new companies and existing companies alike to capture market share […]
Study Preview: The Financial Opportunity for Credit Unions with the Underbanked
Here’s a teaser from our latest study, “The Financial Opportunity for Credit Unions with the Underbanked.” THE FULL 20-PAGE REPORT INCLUDES: • The 5 things credit unions don’t realize they’re doing wrong to make underbanked customers feel confused, marginalized and skeptical. • 7 specific behaviors of the underbanked, and how to leverage them to grow deposits, acquire […]
Framing things in the language of your prospects
Isn’t it nice when someone in another time zone does the conversion for you? How about when someone gets you a really thoughtful gift? In both situations another person is empathizing with your situation. Despite being done infrequently, this is ALWAYS received well. Brands are even worse than we are as individuals at empathizing with others because […]
Shifting Resources from Sales to Marketing (Gradually)
I constantly see this situation with our potential customers. They have a successful sales organization, their business comes from referrals, and they fear that if they take their eye off the ball for one moment, the whole thing will come crashing down. It’s a valid fear—one I empathize with deeply. At a certain point it […]
Cold outreach: Lessons Learned on the New York City Subway
I was on my way to lunch, sitting on New York City’s midtown 6 train. An oddly-dressed woman with a funny hat and a large backpack motioned for me to take my headphones off. Oh great, another one from the loony bin– pretend you don’t see her. She gave me a face that said, “you’re […]
What Mike Said: The Evolution of Cardwell Beach’s Culture
When we first started Cardwell Beach, I had never worked at an agency before, nor was I even close to a great salesperson. Mike Beach always said a few things right from the very start, none of which I fully comprehended at the time. We were recently in the car on the way back from […]
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: Analyzing Great Viral Marketing for a Great Cause
At this point, if you’ve been on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram in the past two weeks you’ve likely seen a friend or family member take the ice bucket challenge to support ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease). Viral marketing is still much more art than science, but some common threads run through most successful viral campaigns, whether […]
The Worst Sin in Sales (and Marketing)
“The worst sin in sales is not to lose a deal, but to lose a deal slowly.” – John Barrows. There is a lot of wisdom in these words, both from a sales and marketing perspective. It is obvious in sales that time is literally money, and more time spent chasing bad deals means less time for […]
Creating a Digital Marketing Org Chart for 2015 and beyond
Download our customizable org chart template here. Building a marketing organization from the ground up is no small feat. What capabilities do you need on the team? Where is the dividing line between roles? Should your team be top-heavy or bottom-heavy? The answers to these questions depend on the type and size of business, […]
Remote Control: Making sure a remote agency is up to the task
Despite the fact that almost every business relies, at least in part, on the global supply chain and 24/7 access to their partners, some businesses are still hesitant to work remotely with marketing agencies. The reasons for the misgivings vary. Some businesses point to “time-zone concerns” while others mention “comfort level.” Regardless of the specific […]
Great Customer Service Is Not a Differentiator
Providing great customer service doesn’t set you apart from the competition; it’s cost of entry. People now expect ease of use with every product, application, and service. If customer service is an area in which you’re lagging, improving it doesn’t necessarily require structural changes to your business. Small changes to your process or procedures can […]
The Proof is in Your Process
Prospective clients probably trust that you have solved a few problems — maybe even a few within their industry. They’ve seen your relevant case studies accompanied by a few well-known company logos and testimonials from clients that are happy to vouch for your abilities. But prospective clients want more: they want to know that you […]
QR Codes (a Marketer’s Lament)
No marketer has ever met a technological innovation he couldn’t ruin. Perhaps the best example is the QR code. Used for years in auto manufacturing in Japan, QR codes exploded with the rise of smartphones. Intelligent marketers saw an opportunity to drive people toward unique and focused online experiences; not-so-intelligent marketers saw an opportunity to […]
The Shift From Technical Risk to Market Risk
When coming up with ideas for a new web or mobile technology, it’s important to ask, “Why hasn’t someone else built a successful business out of this already?” With 7 billion people and counting, it is highly unlikely that no one had the vision or imagination to conceive the same idea. There are really only […]
Buyer Personas: Silver Bullet for Sales/Marketing Alignment?
70% of CEOs are dissatisfied with how marketing and sales are working together. Speculating about the cause is fun, but trying to fix it is a better use of our time and the focus of this post. The notable differences between what’s expected from a B2B sales and a B2B marketing department are pretty straightforward. Sales […]
Ideas for Your Tech-Service Hybrid
Here are 4 simple, powerful guidelines to spark disruptive ideas for your tech-service hybrid: increase speed, reduce price, increase access, and dumb it down. It’s easy to forget Disruptive Innovation isn’t just a buzzword, it’s a practice rooted in science. Harvard Business professor Dr. Clayton Christensen spent 15 years uncovering the patterns that led to […]
Everyone is Hiding Behind "the Definition of Sales Enablement"
Why isn’t more sales enablement happening? I see groups on LinkedIn with 10,000+ members devoted to talking about it. Every client, technology vendor and consultant agrees that sales enablement is a great idea. Over 1800 people attended Forrester’s Sales Enablement Forum and sat through Scott Santucci’s “State of the Union” style address on sales enablement. But literally not […]